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Movement Mindfulness Medicine Presents a Unique Opportunity to Experience Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

Are you hearing a lot about the benefits of psychedelic medicine? 


Although these medicines have been used for millennia, their popularity as an alternative treatment for mental health has surged in the past few years. Ketamine is currently the only legal psychedelic medicine available for use to treat mental health concerns. We offer a program for both individual and group experiences. Learn about the benefits of a group experience.

Questions you might have…


Are psychedelics safe and legal?

Decades of research have shown that psychedelic-assisted therapy can be a highly effective and sustainable treatment for several mental health obstacles when combined with thoughtful and skillful therapeutic interventions. Contrary to an enduring political stigma, it is a safe, legal, affordable, and highly effective treatment for PTSD, addiction, anxiety, depression, and healing from trauma.


How is KAP different from other psychedelics?

Ketamine is a dissociative medicine that was developed as an anesthetic for surgery on the battlefield. Today, it is commonly used in the emergency room with children or adults who are too distraught to calm down during a medical trauma (like a broken arm, etc). Ketamine is also a very effective mental health tool for the treatment of anxiety, depression, substance addiction, and PTSD when paired with psychotherapy. The main difference between Ketamine and other psychedelic medications is that the expanded state produced by Ketamine lasts only 1-2 hours whereas other medicines sustain their effect for 4 to 12 hours. A shorter duration enables a person to experience a more efficient and manageable treatment experience.


I’ve tried most traditional and even some alternative therapeutic methods, but I am still feeling stuck. Why should I try this method?

Ketamine-assisted group therapy can be a powerful tool that dissolves long-held internal blocks into personal wisdom and provides insight and clarity into areas of your life that were previously inaccessible. KAP has been scientifically shown to help rewire the brain and shift out of unhelpful thought patterns, restoring a sense of meaning and hope in a sustainably impactful way.


Is KAP a long-term solution for me?

KAP is a combination of medicine, (that creates neuroflexibility in response patterns to stressors) with skillful and intentional psychotherapy that results in permanent changes in thinking and behavior. Although nothing is a magical panacea for everybody, if you enter the process openly, you will likely experience a profound and positive change.

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